Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Your HP Solution Center Don’t Seems to Open and You Really need to scan something!

This just happened to me in the morning… I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the HP Solution Center at least 3 times but it still doesn’t open. I’ve searched online for any solutions; some say to download the latest version of Flash Player which I certainly did and other people suggested reinstalling the software which is what I did from the beginning, huh. The problem is still here and I really need to scan something very important! I do not have enough time to format my pc (I wonder if the problem is from my pc itself :s) and I cannot wait till I bought a new “All-in-one HP deskjet” haha…

Before doing anything, make sure your HP Deskjet is switched on and connected to your pc. So what I did is to go to “my computer”, look for the “HP Deskjet” icon, double click then select “Microsoft Scanner and Camera Wizard” then “OK” followed by "Next..." See pictures below:

The rest is very easy...you'll find your way ;).

Friday, July 13, 2012

How to Bring Your Audience to a Specific Post Section Within Your Blog.

First of all this tutorial is for newbie and I don’t want to complicate things by using code names etc. Here I will teach you in the simplest way how to bring your reader to a specific section of a post within your blog.

Let’s take for example I want to bring you to my other post which is “How to create a TextBox or Textarea in Blogger” but to a specific section only which is the “Read Only Text box” section.

Use the following structure by replacing with your desired Url, identifier and linkname:

<a href="URLaddress#identifier">linkname</a>

According to the example above mine would be;

<a href="http://challenge-of-the-day.blogspot.com/2012/03/how-to-create-textbox-or-textarea-in.html#Read Only">Read Only Text box</a>

Now you need to go to the post you are linking to by adding the following anchor to the specific section;

<a name="identifier">a heading</a>

Example; the identifier for the section I’ve mentioned above is “Read Only” which I've edited in my post editor like this:

<a name="Read Only">Read Only Text Box</a>

So that's it :). Now you know how to add internal links to a particular section of a post. Use the same steps to link within the same blogger post. This is a great way to help your visitors find their way through your blog easily and give access to desired information quickly.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to remove comment box on static pages on Blogger

This little tutorial is for new bloggers who struggle to hide the comment box on pages. While creating your page in the page editor you will find “Page settings” on your right hand corner. Now click on “Options”, tick for “Don’t allow” below the reader comments then click “Done” to save your page settings. See image below.

*It is the same steps if you want to remove comment box on existing pages. Select the desired pages then “edit” and you’ll find the rest. :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Add a Gadget to Blogger Header and Blog Posts

When you upload a template to your blogger blog you will notice in the “Page Elements” that the template may lack a Gadget for the Header and for Blog Posts. It is very useful if you want to a add picture or banner ad in the header or a Google Adsense at the top or bottom of your blog posts. Follow clearly this little and easy tutorial.

To create an “Add a Gadget” option to your Blogger Header, go to >> Design >> Page Elements >> Edit Html. Then use Ctrl+f to find the following code lines:-

<div id='header-wrapper'>
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>

Edit the Red to this:-

<div id='header-wrapper'>
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='3' showaddelement='yes'>

Henceforth, you have two more “Add a Gadget” that you can add to your Header. You can increase the number 3 if you wish to have more gadgets for this area.

Note that in different templates, the “header-wrapper” is called by “header-wrap” or “header”.

Now to create the “Add a Gadget” option for the Blog Post, simply look for the following code lines:-

<div id='main-wrapper'>
<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'>

And change it to:-

<div id='main-wrapper'>
<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='yes'>

Once you are done with these little changes, save your template and then click on the “Page Elements” tab. You will now see the “Add a Gadget” option at the top of the Header and Blog Posts. This screenshot gives an idea how your page elements appears.

From this point, if you wish that you gadget appears below or after your post, there is nothing to worry. Just drag and drop the gadget elements to where you want them to be. Do not forget to save your template. :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

How to create a Hyperlink Code

A hyperlink can be a word, group of words which you can click through and jump to other pages or a new section from the current page.

A hyperlink is easy to identify on web pages; when you move your cursor onto it the arrow became a little hand and usually an underline appears under the group of words.

The HTML code required to create a link is very simple. Here it is;

<a href="http://www.YourDomainName.com">Domain Name</a>
And it appear as;
Domain Name

Happy Blogging :-)

Friday, March 9, 2012

How to remove “addthis” from homepage, Blogger.

When you add “addthis” button to your blog you are not going to find its html code in the “edit html”. Addthis will appear as an HTML/Java script widget, and to find it you should go to “Design” >>“Page element”. It is very simple you just have to follow these steps.

Open any HTML/Java script widget and as soon as you see its mentioning addthis.com in the widget then you’ll know it’s this one I am talking about. The widget will look like below.

Now you see the highlighted code on the top of the widget just go till the end and like you noticed for mine HTML1 is the name of the widget which corresponds to addthis. Now,
•    Go to Design >> Edit HTML
•    Check Expand Widget Templates
•    Search for the HTML(for e.g. mine was HTML1) in your template by using Ctrl+f in your browser
•    Add the following lines to your code( those in Red)

<b:widget id='HTML1' locked='false' title='' type='HTML'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
Henceforth, addthis will appear only on your posts and your static pages will be free from it! :-)

How to Create a Textbox or Textarea in Blogger

Many bloggers make use of a text box either in their posts or somewhere in the sidebar to put emphasis onto some important texts or simply to display a list of links. The good thing with a text box is that it looks neat and you can re-size it accordingly, and you can put in as many texts as you want and enjoy from its scroll bar facility.

Below is an example of how a Text box looks like,

Note: To proceed with the text box you should do it on New Post >> "Edit HTML",it won't work if you do it on "Compose".

Users can add Texts
 The code below will give you a text box with no limit to the amount of text that can be inserted but browsers may have their own present limits.

<textarea rows="5" cols="40">YOUR TEXT HERE</textarea>

Read Only Text Box
For this one readers can read or select and copy the text but they cannot input or edit any text in the text box. This can be done by inserting a <readonly> attribute into the textarea code.

Here is the code:

<textarea rows="2" cols="30" name="Famous Quotes" readonly="readonly">Your Text Here</textarea>

Text Box with "select All" Hacks
This one will allow users to automatically select the whole text by just clicking in the text box.

<form><textarea rows="5" cols="40" onClick=select() readonly>Your Text Here.</textarea><form/>

Link to site Text Box
This text box is use to display a code for readers to link you your Blog. 

<textarea rows="4" cols="25" name="Link to Site" readonly="readonly">Your Hyperlink Code Here</textarea>

I hope this little tutorial may help you, cheers!